Lets talk Theology

Sunday, May 10, 2015


There are so many Christians walking around with unleashed appetites (lusts of the eye, pleasures of life, and love for the world). Their appetites are extremely in-charge of them so much that they make them round every block of life with an “I don’t care attitude”. They take them through a roller coaster of a life: from a castle to a pig’s pen. So long these appetites are fed and satisfied, all is said and perceived to be well.

Mind-bogglingly as it may be, these Christian’s unleashed appetites define their lifestyle and at the same disqualify them from their very own acclaimed faith. Not so much that they live in open sinful lifestyles, not at all. It is what they want, pursue and live for that circumscribes them. It seems they have ceased from being pilgrims and have now acquired permanent residence in this world. Consequently, the world and them are now photocopies of each other. You can’t differentiate the original from the duplicate. Just like the world they also want it all. When they shop they literary buy the whole Mall.
When they eat-out they almost gallop the whole restaurant. When they dress they are either under-dressed or over-dressed as well. They have stopped living a disciplined lifestyle that is governed and guided by biblical principles and have turned to the ideology “says who?” They even go so far as to abuse some Scriptures for their own gratification. With their unleashed appetites ruling them, they promptly vouch for “the best life now” or “live life today” or “live life at full crush”.

Does that sound like you? What exactly do you thing has gone wrong with you?

My friend, take time to revisit your appetites. Though the Lord neither wants you to be so poor to the point that you have nothing at all, nor so materially wealthy that you literally posses the earth and all it has to offer, He wants you to leash your appetites and rule over them. God can sovereignly blessing you with countless measures of wealth or leave you to live with almost nothing even when you have loved Him with your life. Job, Lazarus and John the Baptist leave to testify. However, in either state He has promised to meet your daily needs. Just take time to be responsible and lead a disciplined godly life, having your appetites leashed.

Oh my friend, how I pray that you would get back to those Christian basics that you once loved and re-establish your faith in God again. Remember those days when you easily said no to the flesh, the devil and the world?  When your appetites didn’t determine your walk with the Lord. When you consciously gloried in God's grace! Whether you were materially poor or wealthy you called upon the Lord and demonstrated a life that was governed and guided by biblical principles. So, like in those days of old, begin again ceasing and bringing to captive all appetites that led you to an aimless lifestyle of searching and seeking after everything that everybody pursues. Disengage yourself from that shadow boxing of punching everywhere your appetites demand. Be principled, be disciplined, set biblical goals for your life again and God will help you take control and rule over your appetites!

Shouldn’t you emulate Paul on how he was to leash his appetites? He said; “But I discipline my body and keep it under control, lest after preaching to others I myself should be disqualified.” (1 Cor 9:27)

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